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BlastUP is the first launchpad based on Blast. It enables teams to raise capital in a decentralized, safe, and user-friendly environment while rewarding active participants through the Community Incentives Program.

BlastUP's mission is encapsulated in the short slogan “Grow faster, earn more” bringing together the interests of participants and projects.

BlastUP believes in Blast because it is the first Ethereum L2 with native yield for ETH and stablecoins. Blast became the first L2 protocol to reach 1 billion TVL in 35 days. This creates a strong competitive advantage over existing L2 networks and introduces new DeFi mechanics.

We encourage projects built on Blast to reach out to us for collaboration opportunities. If this is of interest to you, please submit your application here.

BLP is a native token of BlastUP which serves as the cornerstone of its ecosystem. This token provides a robust framework for financial transactions and enhances user engagement through staking. Additionally, BLP supports seed staking, allowing token holders to earn interest and gain exclusive loyalty rewards for participating in Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs). Holders of the BlastUP Token also receive allocated portions of token sales from projects launched on the platform. This community-driven approach ensures active holder involvement in the platform’s development.

The utilities of BLP tokens include:

  • ➡️Access to tiered IDO launches on BlastUP.
  • ➡️The ability to stake BlastUP tokens to earn rewards.
  • ➡️A buy-back mechanism for BlastUP tokens.

Why Buy BLP Tokens Now?

BLP tokens stand out as a particularly compelling choice for both seasoned crypto enthusiasts and newcomers. Here’s why considering BLP for a crypto portfolio could be a wise decision:

  • ➡️ Utility and Versatility: BLP tokens are integral within the BlastUP ecosystem, used for transactions, access to exclusive features, and more.
  • ➡️ Limited Supply: With a capped total supply, BLP tokens are designed to maintain scarcity, potentially increasing in value as the platform grows.
  • ➡️ Rewarding Potential: BLP tokens give its holders access to Airdrops, token allocations for participation in IDOs, and the ability to earn interest from staking.

And the most compelling reason is the price. The current presale of BLP tokens provides an opportunity for a smartinvestment with high potential ROI. Some experts say that the fair $BLP price is $10 while currently it is sold out at less than 10 US cents.

Tokenomics of BLP

The allocation of BLP tokens is planned to ensure sustainable growth and utility within the BlastUP ecosystem. A significant portion of tokens is reserved for providing incentives to the platform users which promotes active participation and long-term engagement. Another portion is allocated to the team and advisors, subject to vesting periods to align their interests with the long-term success of the platform.

  • ➡️ Secure and Transparent Transactions: Utilizes cutting-edge blockchain technology to ensure secure and transparent transactions, providing users with peace of mind.
  • ➡️ Decentralized Platform: Operates on a decentralized network, removing the need for intermediaries and fostering a trustless environment.
  • ➡️ Fast Transaction Speeds: Implements efficient consensus mechanisms to enable lightning-fast transaction speeds, facilitating quick and seamless transfers of digital assets.
  • ➡️ Low Transaction Fees: Offers low transaction fees compared to traditional financial systems, making it cost-effective for users to engage in cryptocurrency transactions.
  • ➡️ User-Friendly Interface: Boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, catering to both novice and experienced cryptocurrency enthusiasts alike.

How to Buy BLP Token?

As already mentioned, BLP tokens are in presale currently, which means they are not available on a decentralized exchange yet, but can be bought on the only. The purchase of BLP tokens is available with ETH, MATIC, USDT, BNB, or fiat money via a bank card.

To buy BLP tokens, a user needs to connect their wallet through the “Connect Wallet” option on the website, using one of available networks. Then it is necessary to specify the amount they wish to exchange for $BLP Tokens. Upon clicking “Buy Now,” the transaction must be approved in the wallet. After completion, the acquisition of $BLP Tokens can be verified in the “Your Holdings” section of the website.

  • ➡️ Utility and Versatility: BLP tokens are integral within the BlastUP ecosystem, used for transactions, access to exclusive features, and more.
  • ➡️ Limited Supply: With a capped total supply, BLP tokens are designed to maintain scarcity, potentially increasing in value as the platform grows.
  • ➡️ Rewarding Potential: BLP tokens give its holders access to Airdrops, token allocations for participation in IDOs, and the ability to earn interest from staking.

And the most compelling reason is the price. The current presale of BLP tokens provides an opportunity for a smartinvestment with high potential ROI. Some experts say that the fair $BLP price is $10 while currently it is sold out at less than 10 US cents.

Blastup Airdrop

BlastUP plans to distribute a portion of $BLP tokens through an Airdrop to support early participants. To provide a seamless experience on airdrop we are using Booster Points as a mechanism to effectively spread $BLP for our community.

The Airdrop will be allocated to:
  • Early Blast users who transferred ETH and USDT through the Blast bridge
  • Buyers of $BLP during the Pre-sale
  • Participants in the BlastUP Community Incentives program
How Stake & Earn works
  • Stake $BLP, ETH, WETH, or USDB. Users can stake their assets on Stake & Earn. This involves locking of the assets for a specific period to earn yield.
  • choose the assets to yield. Users can choose what tokens they want to recieve as yield on the daily-bases. They choosing pools of the projects that they like, or enabling auto-subscribe feature to not loss every launch on BlastUP Launchpad.
  • user's getting what they should get. Blast Ecosystem is sharing Blast Gold with the projects on monthly basis. We are happy to spread this valued tokens to our community. With every stake that users make they receive some Gold.
  • More and more benefits. Depending on project's campaign on BlastUP Launchpad users of Stake & Earn program are eligible for get an extra discount for project's launches, or custom benefits.

BlastUP token price prediction

BlastUP has effectively demonstrated its commitment to its motto, “grow faster, earn more,” by launching the CYBRO project’s token sale in April, even while BlastUP itself remains in the presale phase. This alpha sale is a significant milestone that showcases the innovative capabilities of the BlastUP platform.

Potential Highs and Lows of Blastup

BlastUP is a dApp (decentralized application) development launch pad that is designed to run on the Layer 2 scaling platform Blast. The main aim of the BlastUP launch pad is to help development teams raise capital in a safe, secure, and user-friendly environment through a Community Incentive Program that rewards early investors.

Year Potential Low Potential High
2024 $0.12 $0.35
2025 $0.40 $0.75
2030 $1.10 $1.50

Why Stake & Earn

  • Optimizing your portfolio. It's easy to achieve more productive investment strategy with all the benefits of diversification without any risk.
  • Best way to participate in IDO's. Unique offers from projects list on BlastUP.
  • No hassle and attention. Use auto-features to receive as more tokens as possible. And get Blast Gold every time.
  • Open and safe. All the staking functions are managed by audited smart-contract.


Key Metrics

  • ➡️ Volume (24h) $5.4786 (-19.60%)
  • ➡️ Market Cap $0.00041208
  • ➡️ Fully Diluted Market Cap $0.00041208
  • ➡️ Circulating Supply 1,000,000,000 MK
  • ➡️ Total Supply 1,000,000,000 MK
  • ➡️ Trading Start 5 months ago

BlastUP token (BLP) enriches the BlastUP ecosystem by supporting vital platform operations while also offering a number of benefits to its holders including exclusive access to IDO launches and staking rewards. BLP offers real utility value serving as a tool for facilitating financial transactions on the BlastUP launchpad. Its strategic tokenomics may promote sustained demand and stability in the future. As BlastUP evolves, the current presale of BLP tokens presents an opportunity to engage with this expanding ecosystem and make a smart investment decision that can generate high returns.